Pau Waelder


2nd International Seminar on Fashion, Culture and Art


2nd International Seminar on Fashion, Culture and Art
27, 28 and 29 August 2013
Museu de Arte Moderna Murilo Mendes- MAMM-UFJF
Juiz de Fora, Brazil

Organizer: Mestrado em Artes, Cultura e Linguagens/ Grupos CNPq: Cultura e Artes Visuais; ARGOS
Collaborators: Museu de Arte Moderna Murilo Mendes- MAMM-UFJF / Laboratório de História da Arte e da Cultura –PPG-História- UFJF
Cooordinator: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos
Organizing Committee: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos, Profª Drª Maria Cláudia Bonadio; Profª Drª Raquel Quinet Andrade Pífano.
Scientific Committee: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos(presidente), Profª Drª Elisabeth Murilho da Silva, Profª Drª Maraliz Christo, Profª Drª Maria Cláudia Bonadio; Profª Drª Raquel Renno Nunes, Profª Drª Raquel Quinet Andrade Pífano, ProfºDrº Ricardo Cristófaro, Profª Drª Rosane Preciosa Sequeira,.
Student Committee: Elisiana Frizzoni Candian y Tálisson Melo de Souza (coordinación), Rodrigo Souza e Silva, Elisa Maria Rodrigues.
Secretary: Lara Velloso

On the occasion of the 2nd International Seminar on Fashion, Culture and Art organized by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil), I was invited to present a lecture on art and new media in the context of collectives and collaborative work. Below is an abstract of the lecture and a video of the session (in Spanish and Portuguese).

play-icon Video of the lecture


Peer-to-peer: curating and collaboration in new media art

The work of curators has evolved from managing objects in a museum to presenting the work of living artists in temporary exhibitions, while increasingly becoming prominent professionals in the art world. In most cases, the curator has retained a status of primus inter pares, in a complex relationship of power and authority. The artists, on the other hand, have gradually moved from the romantic ideal of the solitary genius to a more open collaboration with other artists and assistants, while retaining their identity.

In the context of new media art, the processual nature of most artworks and the merging of art and technology determine the need to establish new forms of collaboration between curators, artists and technicians. Working as peers, they focus on solving problems and finding the best way to present the artworks in a given context by exchanging ideas. This collaboration entails new models for curating, as well as producing, exhibiting and experiencing art, which point towards the conception of new media art as a collective activity, in which the separation between curator, artist, technician and public becomes blurred.fachada-do-museu-de-artes

II Seminario Internacional de Moda, Cultura y Arte
27, 28 y 29 de agosto de 2013
Museu de Arte Moderna Murilo Mendes- MAMM-UFJF
Juiz de Fora, Brasil

Organiza: Mestrado em Artes, Cultura e Linguagens/ Grupos CNPq: Cultura e Artes Visuais; ARGOS
Colabora: Museu de Arte Moderna Murilo Mendes- MAMM-UFJF / Laboratório de História da Arte e da Cultura –PPG-História- UFJF
Cooordinación general: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos
Comité organizador: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos, Profª Drª Maria Cláudia Bonadio; Profª Drª Raquel Quinet Andrade Pífano.
Comité científico: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos(presidente), Profª Drª Elisabeth Murilho da Silva, Profª Drª Maraliz Christo, Profª Drª Maria Cláudia Bonadio; Profª Drª Raquel Renno Nunes, Profª Drª Raquel Quinet Andrade Pífano, ProfºDrº Ricardo Cristófaro, Profª Drª Rosane Preciosa Sequeira,.
Comité de estudiantes: Elisiana Frizzoni Candian y Tálisson Melo de Souza (coordinación), Rodrigo Souza e Silva, Elisa Maria Rodrigues.
Secretaria: Lara Velloso

Con motivo del II Seminario Internacional de Moda, Cultura y Arte organizado por la Universidad Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brasil), fui invitado a presentar una ponencia acerca de mi ámbito de investigación en una sesión que se centraba en los colectivos y el arte contemporáneo. Decidí examinar el concepto de lo colectivo en el arte de nuevos medios, partiendo de la habitual concepción del artista, el comisario e incluso el público como un personaje individual, lo cual me llevó a analizar casos de autoría colectiva, colaboración entre comisarios y artistas, y participación activa del público en el hecho artístico. En el enlace inferior se puede ver el vídeo de la sesión en la que participé, en castellano y portugués. A continuación se reproduce el resumen (en inglés) de la ponencia.

play-icon Video de la ponencia


Peer-to-peer: curating and collaboration in new media art

The work of curators has evolved from managing objects in a museum to presenting the work of living artists in temporary exhibitions, while increasingly becoming prominent professionals in the art world. In most cases, the curator has retained a status of primus inter pares, in a complex relationship of power and authority. The artists, on the other hand, have gradually moved from the romantic ideal of the solitary genius to a more open collaboration with other artists and assistants, while retaining their identity.

In the context of new media art, the processual nature of most artworks and the merging of art and technology determine the need to establish new forms of collaboration between curators, artists and technicians. Working as peers, they focus on solving problems and finding the best way to present the artworks in a given context by exchanging ideas. This collaboration entails new models for curating, as well as producing, exhibiting and experiencing art, which point towards the conception of new media art as a collective activity, in which the separation between curator, artist, technician and public becomes blurred.fachada-do-museu-de-artes

II Seminari Internacional de Moda, Cultura i Art
27, 28 i 29 d’agost de 2013
Museu de Arte Moderna Murilo Mendes- MAMM-UFJF
Juiz de Fora, Brasil

Organitza: Mestrado em Artes, Cultura e Linguagens/ Grupos CNPq: Cultura e Artes Visuais; ARGOS
Col·labora: Museu de Arte Moderna Murilo Mendes- MAMM-UFJF / Laboratório de História da Arte e da Cultura –PPG-História- UFJF
Cooordinació general: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos
Comité organizador: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos, Profª Drª Maria Cláudia Bonadio; Profª Drª Raquel Quinet Andrade Pífano.
Comité científic: Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Bueno Ramos(presidente), Profª Drª Elisabeth Murilho da Silva, Profª Drª Maraliz Christo, Profª Drª Maria Cláudia Bonadio; Profª Drª Raquel Renno Nunes, Profª Drª Raquel Quinet Andrade Pífano, ProfºDrº Ricardo Cristófaro, Profª Drª Rosane Preciosa Sequeira,.
Comité d’estudiants: Elisiana Frizzoni Candian y Tálisson Melo de Souza (coordinación), Rodrigo Souza e Silva, Elisa Maria Rodrigues.
Secretària: Lara Velloso

Amb motiu del II Seminari Internacional de Moda, Cultura i Art organitzat per la Universitat Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brasil), vaig ser convidat a presentar una ponència sobre el meu àmbit d’investigació en una sessió que se centrava en els col·lectius i l’art contemporani. Vaig decidir examinar el concepte del col·lectiu en l’art de nous mitjans, partint de l’habitual concepció de l’artista, el comissari i fins i tot el públic com un personatge individual, la qual cosa em va portar a analitzar casos d’autoria col·lectiva, col·laboració entre comissaris i artistes, i participació activa del públic en el fet artístic. En l’enllaç inferior es pot veure el vídeo de la sessió en la qual vaig participar, en castellà i portuguès. A continuació es reprodueix el resum (en anglès) de la ponència.

play-icon Video de la ponencia

Peer-to-peer: curating and collaboration in new media art

The work of curators has evolved from managing objects in a museum to presenting the work of living artists in temporary exhibitions, while increasingly becoming prominent professionals in the art world. In most cases, the curator has retained a status of primus inter pares, in a complex relationship of power and authority. The artists, on the other hand, have gradually moved from the romantic ideal of the solitary genius to a more open collaboration with other artists and assistants, while retaining their identity.

In the context of new media art, the processual nature of most artworks and the merging of art and technology determine the need to establish new forms of collaboration between curators, artists and technicians. Working as peers, they focus on solving problems and finding the best way to present the artworks in a given context by exchanging ideas. This collaboration entails new models for curating, as well as producing, exhibiting and experiencing art, which point towards the conception of new media art as a collective activity, in which the separation between curator, artist, technician and public becomes blurred.